
Weego is a fleet management platform dedicated to the on-demand delivery industry helping to automate and organize the entire off-premise delivery operation, enabling faster deliveries, better customer experience, and lower delivery costs.

You can reach Weego at:

Business Configuration in Foodics

  • Make sure that all your branches have correct longitude and latitude values.
  • Make sure that all your branches have correct delivery zones assigned to them.
  • Create an order tag with the exact name Weego to be assigned to orders that should be handled by Weego.

Enabling The Integration

  1. Log in to your Foodics console at console.foodics.com/login using the owner email, If you logged in with a non-owner user, you will not be able to activate the integration.

  2. Navigate to the Marketplace page ---> Search for Weego under Delivery Management category ---> Click Install.

  3. You will be navigated to Weego merchant panel to enter your business credentials to sign in, you will be asked to sign up if you don't already have an account.

  4. Foodics will ask you to Authorize Weego to access your Foodics Account, click Authorize Weego To Access My Account to proceed.

  5. On the next page, you will be able to map your Foodics roles into Weego roles. You will see a table of your Foodics roles, along with a dropdown where you can select one element, which is a Weego role. You will not be considered integrated with Weego if you do not select at least one Foodics role mapped to Weego Operator and one Foodics role mapped to Weego Driver. You should select the Role that's assigned to your drivers as the integration will fetch all users that have the selected role.

  6. A confirmation pop-up will appear ---> Click on Confirm ---> After choosing your restaurants from the tags listed, seeding of most objects will occur (branches, addresses, customers), and a restaurant and team will be created on Weego.

  7. Weego will redirect you back to the page where you can decide which branches to deactivate if any.

  8. Integration has been enabled successfully.

How Orders are Sent to Weego

Delivery orders will be automatically sent to Weego if they meet the following conditions:

  1. Order type is Delivery with customer phone number and delivery address.
  2. Order status is Active from the cashier application.
  3. Have the Weego Tag assigned to the order.