A Business Day is a date where all business transactions/operations are conducted, it has a start & end time. A Business Day can overlap with the actual date depending on your Business Day settings for the branch.
For example: If you open a business day on Saturday 19/06/2020 at 08:00 AM , and close the business day on Sunday 20/06/2020 at 02:00 AM: Any transaction made between 12:00 AM and 02:00 AM were made in the actual date of Sunday 20/06/2020, but they will be registered in the Business Day of 19/06/2020.
A business day starts when the user clocks in and opens the till in the Cashier.
There are other requirements to open and close a business day as described below:
How to Clock In
To clock in:
- Enter your Login Pin in the user login page.
- Tap on Clock In.
Note: If the user accessed the register without clocking in, he will be clocked in automatically when opening the till.
How to Open a Till
A till is required to start a business day and start making orders and accept payments.
- First, you need to log in to the cashier app using your Login Pin.
- Tap on Home button on the bottom of the register page.
- Tap on Open Till.
- Tap on Yes then enter the till amount which represents the opening cash amount in the drawer.
- Tap on Done.
Now you can start making orders and accepting payments.
How to Close a Till
To close the till at the end of the shift or the end of the day:
- Tap on Home button on the bottom of the register page.
- Tap on Close Till.
- Tap on Yes then enter the till closing amount which represents the total amount of cash available in the drawer when closing the till.
- Tap on Done.
How to Clock Out
At the end of their shift or business day, users need to clock out from the Cashier: If you are already in the Cashier Register Screen:
- Tap on Exit
- Enter your Login Pin at the cashier login page.
- Tap on Clock Out.
Note: All users will be clocked out automatically when ending the business day.
How to End a Business Day
To end an ongoing Business Day make sure that you have no Pending Orders and all Tills & Active Orders have been closed then:
- Tap on Home button on the bottom of the register page on the cashier app.
- Tap on End of Day.
Note: If any user was not clocked out when ending the day a popup message will show asking to clock out all employees before ending the day.
An email will be sent automatically to your defined email with the End Of Day report.