Import/Export Inventory Items using CSV file

To import inventory items:

  1. Click on the “Inventory” button on the sdiebar.
  2. Select “Items”.
  3. Select “Import / Export”.
  4. Select “Import Items”.
  5. Download the template and then open the file to fill it.
  6. Select “File” and then “Submit”.

To export inventory items:

  1. Click on the “Inventory” button on the sidebar.
  2. Select “Items”.
  3. Select “Import / Export”.
  4. Select “Export Items” and then select needed item.
  5. Select “Export”.
  6. Check your email to download the file.

To edit inventory items:

  1. Click on the “Inventory” button on the sidebar.
  2. Select “Items”.
  3. Select “Import / Export”.
  4. Select “Export Items” and then select the needed item.
  5. Select “Export”.
  6. Check your email to download the file.
  7. Edit the needed information and then select “Import / Export”.
  8. Select “Import Items”.
  9. Select the file and then select “Submit”.