Payment methods are used when paying for orders in the Cashier or other order taking channels.
There are 4 types of Payment Methods: 1. Cash: Any Cash transaction should be registered in this payment method. 2. Card: Debit or Credit Cards like Visa, MasterCard, etc.. 3. House Account: Used for Credit payments for eligible customers. 4. Gift Card: Customers can use their previously bought gift cards to buy items using this payment method.
How to Add a New Payment Method
In the Console > Manage > More > Payment Methods:
- Click on Add Payment Methods and then fill the required fields.
- Save.
You can enable the option to auto open the cash drawer when this payment method is used.
You can edit or delete an existing Payment Method by clicking on the payment method's card and editing its details.
You can also mark a payment method as Active or Not Active to show or hide it in the Cashier and other order taking channels.