Importing Product Modifiers using CSV

  1. Download the template CSV file from (this link) or from the console (Menu -> Products -> Import/Export)
  2. Fill in the columns in the correct columns and rows using the below format.

CSV Template Details

Title Description Required? Sample Data
product sku The predefined product SKU which you want to add modifiers to. You should create a product first from Menu > Products. Yes sk-001
modifier reference The predefined modifier reference. You should create a modifier first from Menu > Modifiers. Yes m-001
minimum options The minimum number of required modifier options for this product. Yes 0
maximum options The maximum number of allowed modifier options for this product. Yes 5
free options The number of options that can be added to the product for free. Yes 1

Saving Import files as CSV / UFT-8 Format

In the program you're using (e.g. Microsoft Excel) Choose Save As, then select Save as CSV UTF-8 (.csv) file format.

> Important: You must insure the Character Set Encoding is UTF-8.

Import your CSV file to The Console in (Menu > Products).