Menu Groups Overview

Menu Groups have names and images and used as a way to display products in groups in your Foodics Applications.

A Menu Group can be different per cashier device, Call Center & Web Cashier orders.

A group can contain products, combos, gift card products and subgroups.

Example of a group could be Breakfast and Dinner

How to Create a New Menu Group

  1. Click on Menu button on the sidebar.
  2. Click on Groups.
  3. Click on Create Group then enter the group details and Save.

Note: You can add an image to the group that will appear in the Cashier Application from the Edit Group button. You can also delete the group from the same form.

How to Add Items to a Menu Group

from within the group you want to organize, you can add other groups as subgroups, along with products, combos and gift cards as well.

To add items to the Menu Group, open the Menu Groups page from Menu > Groups, then choose the group you want to edit.

From the Group Details page you can choose to Add or Edit any Products, Combos, Gift Cards or other Sub Groups.

How to Sort Items Inside the Menu Group

  1. Click on Sort Group from within the group you want to sort.
  2. Drag and Drop the items inside the group. Your new layout will be saved automatically.

How to Assign a menu Group to a Cashier Device

Once your menu groups are ready, you can assign each Cashier to a Menu Group. This is useful if you have different Menus for each device or each branch.

Open the Devices page from the sidebar under Manage and then: 1. Choose a Cashier Device to assign a Menu to. 2. Click on Edit Device. 3. Assign the main or parent Group in the Menu Group field then save.

Now you can sync data in the Cashier Application to have your menu updated.

Note: The Cashier Device will show the Parent Menu Group and all its Sub Groups if any.