Modifiers Overview

Modifiers are additional options to a product, like Extra Cheese, Double Patty, etc…

Modifier options have a price and cost and you can define the cost using the fixed cost option, or let Foodics calculate the cost of the option from its ingredients.

You can attach Modifiers to a product with the following settings:

  • Minimum Options: The minimum quantity required to be selected. e.g. you can use this if you want the customer to select at least one bread type for a sandwich from multiple types of bread.

  • Maximum Options: The maximum allowed quantity to be selected. e.g. you can use this if you want the customer to select maximum 2 toppings for an ice cream from multiple types of toppings.

  • Free Options: Number of free (price = 0) options. The first added options are considered free. The number of free options should be less than or equal to maximum options. e.g. if you want the customer to have the first 2 toppings on their ice cream free, then pay for additional toppings they want to add.

  • Default Options: Options that will be selected by default. These should be less than or equal to maximum options. If free options is more than 0, default options should be less than or equal to free options. e.g. if you want a sandwich to be sold with default modifier options like cheese and onions that the customer can also opt-out of.

  • Excluded Options: Options that should not appear for this product. For options like add ice that are not applicable to hot drinks and only applicable for cold drinks.

  • Splittable: Indicates that the attached modifier can be added to half the product it is attached to.

If for example the product was a pizza, a modifier Sauce can have Splittable configuration which will allow the pizza to have two different options of Sauce on each half.

The Min/Max Options for a split modifier will be applied on each half; so if the maximum is 2, each half can have up to 2 options.

The pricing of a split modifier will be configured in business level and will have two types:

  • Average: The product takes the modifiers prices summed and divided by 2.
  • High Price: The product takes the modifiers prices of the higher half.

How to Add a New Modifier

  1. Click on Menu button on the sidebar.
  2. Click on Modifiers.
  3. Click on Create Modifier.
  4. Enter the modifier's name such as Sides.
  5. Click on Save, then add the modifier options in the next step.

How to Add Options to a Modifier

After you've created the modifier: 1. Go to Modifier Options page from the sidebar. 2. Click on the Create Option button then fill in the options's Name and the Localized Name if needed. Add the SKU or select “Generate”. Add the price, choose the tax group, and select the cost method. 3. Click on Save.

Once you've added all your options, you can further customize your modifier options by adding ingredients, assigning custom prices to different branches, mark as inactive or out of stock for selected branches.

You can delete an option as well from your Menu by clicking on Edit Option in the top of the page > then Delete Option.