Importing Inventory Items using CSV

  1. Download the template CSV file from (this link) or from the console (Inventory -> Items -> Import/Export)
  2. Fill in the inventory items in the correct columns and rows using the below format.

CSV Template Details

Title Description Required? Sample Data
name The inventory item’s name. Yes Flour
sku This item's unique identifier to differentiate from other items. Yes i-001
storage unit The unit in which the item’s stored. Yes KG
ingredient unit The unit in which the item's used in recipes for products or other produced items. Yes GRAM
storage to ingredient factor The number used to convert the storage unit to ingredient unit. Yes 1000
cost A numeric value to define the item's cost. Leave blank to calculate it from transactions. No 4
minimum level The minimum quantity that a branch must have at any given time. No 10
par level The optimal quantity that a branch should have at any given time. No 50
maximum level The maximum quantity that a branch should have at any given time. No 100
category reference The predefined inventory category reference in which this item will be assigned to. Should create a category first from Inventory > More > Inventory Categories. No dairy
barcode The item's barcode number No 231387733
name localized The product’s name in your localized language. No طحين

Saving Import files as CSV / UFT-8 Format

In the program you're using (e.g. Microsoft Excel) Choose Save As, then select Save as CSV UTF-8 (.csv) file format.

> Important: You must insure the Character Set Encoding is UTF-8.

Otherwise, some characters that are created with Microsoft Software may not display correctly, due to incorrect Character Set Encoding. For example you may see:

  • Café, Instead of Café

If you see these invalid Characters in your CSV file then save your file in UFT-8 Format, or Upload your Modifier Options then Edit Option Names in Foodics to replace the incorrect characters from the console.

Import your CSV file to The Console in (Inventory > Items).