How to Manage Drawer Operations

Drawer operations are used when the user needs to deposit/withdraw cash from the drawer. Or when the user wants to open the drawer for any defined reason.

Drawer Operation Types

  1. Pay In: Is used for depositing money to the drawer for any reason other than sales.
  2. Pay Out: This is used when withdrawing money from the drawer in order to purchase something an example will be paying off a vendor.
  3. Cash Drop: This is used to withdraw cash from the drawer for example when it is full.
  4. Open Drawer: It is used to open the cash drawer for any reason other than adding payments from sales or returnig money to customers.

Note: Reasons can be customized from the console.

How to Make a Drawer Operation

In order to create a drawer operation make sure that you have an open till

  1. Tap on Home button on the bottom of the register page on the cashier app.
  2. Tap on Drawer Operations.
  3. Tap on **+** on the top right of the drawer operations screen.
  4. Select the type of the operation.
  5. Enter the amount of the operation if applicable.
  6. Select the reason.
  7. Tap on Save.

Note: Reasons are mandatory for the drawer operation Open Drawer.