How do I Change My User language?

You can choose the UI Language of the Console and Foodics Applications by following these steps:

From your Foodics Console page:

  1. Click on the Account Icon (👤) in the top right corner.
  2. Click on your email or name.
  3. Choose the preferred language in Language field.
  4. Save

However, this does not change how you see product names, items, etc..

To change the language of product listings, you need to check the Display Localized Names checkbox.

What is my localized language?

With Foodics, you can define products and items and other entities in the system using more than one language.

When you find a Localized Name field, it means the Name in your language of choice other than the main language that is English. it is used in menu display, receipts, reports, etc..

You can add text in any language to be your localized language.

Note: You have to Enable Localization first from your Business Settings (Console > Manage > More > Settings)

Display Localized Names

When you check the box Display Localized Names in your profile settings, you will see the console data (menu and entities, etc..) listed in the localized language. If you leave the box unchecked, you will see the console data in the main language.