
Supy streamlines and simplifies all of a restaurant's procurement needs, including ordering from your existing suppliers, ordering internally from your central kitchen, receiving, scanning invoices, analytics, and supplier discovery.

Mobile and web versions of the software allow a restaurant to add as many branches and central kitchens as necessary, as well as as many users as necessary in customized roles.

You can reach Supy at: - Website: - Support Email: - Phone: +971588260597 (WhatsApp)

Enabling the Integration

Note: To be able to use this integration, you must have an account on Supy.

  1. Log in to your Foodics console at using the owner email, If you logged in with a non-owner user, you will not be able to activate the integration.

  2. Navigate to the Marketplace page ---> Search for Supy under Inventory Suppliers category ---> Click Install.

  3. Foodics will ask you to Authorize Supy to access your Foodics Account, click Authorize Supy To Access My Account to proceed. or click Cancel if you want to cancel the process.

  4. After Authorization, you will be taken to Supy's page to log in using your login credentials.

  5. Navigate to the Integration page ---> Click on the Foodics icon.

  6. The mapping page will be opened to map Branches and Items ---> Map the items and the branches from Supy's portal.

  7. Integration has been enabled successfully.

How to receive Supy purchasing on your Foodics console

Make sure you complete the following points before updating your inventory: - Map your Supy branches/central kitchens to Foodics branches/warehouses. - Map your Supy items to Foodics products/ingredients.

Once the mapping is completed, the below features will be enabled: - When orders are received on Supy and the invoice number is inserted, a Push to inventory button appears on the portal. - Your Foodics inventory will reflect the received quantity and cost immediately after clicking the Push button.